February 1, 2025

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Carrollton Community House

305 Lexington Street

Carroll County Soups

A Taste from Some of Our Best Kitchens

Mark Saturday, February 1, 2025 on your calendar and join the Antiquities Society for A Taste of Soup and Art Exhibit at the Community House.  Six new soups will be featured again this year as well as some new artists.

Your $10 donation to the Antiquities Society will provide a taste of the soups along with the cookbook.
The soups include:
Chili Beef Soup
Macaroni Cheeseburger Soup
Chicken Pot Pie Soup
Cowboy Soup
Cabbage Soup
Chicken Stew

Members of the Antiquities Society are selling the tickets now.  They are also available at the Carrollton Town  Hall during regular hours.

The Antiquities Society is also known as the Carroll Society for the Preservation of Antiquities. Our purpose is to preserve the county’s history through the Merrill Museum and the preservation of other buildings.  We own the Merrill Building and the old Conservative office and have a 99 year lease on the old Carroll County Jail.  Work is slow but always needed.  To date we have replaced the floor joists and floors in the north and south rooms of the old jail and repaired and replaced the roof.  At the Merrill Building we have made structural repairs that approach $100,000 as well as expand the museum exhibits.  We need to replace the roof on the Conservative office after a tree fell on it last fall.  Another project that we have is to decorate the tree inside the Courthouse, fence and Merrill Museum for Christmas.  Each year thousands of lights burn day and night and need replacing on a regular basis!  We greatly appreciate the donation from the Modern Woodmen of America – Camp 15939 for their donation in November to help decorate the fence at the Courthouse.

Our funds for all these projects come from membership dues, general donations, the Pioneer Day Festival booth rental, A Taste of Soup donations, and grants.   Dues are $20 per person or $40 per family.  Financial donations in any amount are always welcome, as are donations of time and supplies.  For more information about us, contact us at PO Box 541, Carrollton, MS, 38917, or call 662-392-4810.

    • Everyone is invited but tickets are limited so buy yours early. Tickets are available from members of the Antiquities Society.  If you can not attend the event, donations are greatly appreciated.

An Art Exhibit

Our featured artists for 2025 will include Brenda McCaleb, Allen Winters, C. J. Coleman, and Mila DouBrava.


The doors of the Community House
open at 11 AM
and the soup sampled
until 12:30 PM
For more information contact :
 Pam Lee at 662-392-4810
or Snooky Lee at 662-392-9081 

We suggest that you bring a muffin tin to help carry your cups of soup!